On Sunday 18th August 2019, MCCG hosted a working bee in Tuckett St. Park, Kenmore Hills for 14 students who are enrolled in Environmental Science or Environmental Engineering (SCIP) courses at QUT.
The event was coordinated by Andrew Wills from Brisbane City Council (BCC) and Mark Creyton from QUT.
It was hosted by MCCG Chairman Jim Pope, ably assisted by Bryan Hacker and Keith Schaeller (a member of the Huntington/Tuckett bushcare group).
The aim was to give the students some practical experience of bush-care work, including weed identification and clearing, use of herbicides (cut and paste) for the removal of woody weeds, planting of natives from tube-stock and basic health and safety considerations.
The group was blessed with good weather and the students learned to identify and remove numerous weed vines including glycine, madeira vine and balloon vine, as well as castor oil plants, wild tobacco trees and small Chinese elms.
They also planted and watered-in approximately 80 native plants supplied by the MCCG Nursery. The event finished with an excellent lunch provided by BCC.
Overall, a good time was had by all and the MCCG hopes to host a similar event next year.