On Sunday 31st May, our section held the first working bee after the relaxation of Covid-19 restrictions (see photos below). We were limited to 10 volunteers, were required to maintain social distancing of 1.5m and unfortunately were not allowed to share morning tea. We cleared masses of weeds from an area in Blackbutt Place park, Brookfield, which now looks greatly improved (see the second photo). Unfortunately the weeds included large areas of ‘Cobblers Pegs’ (Bidens pilosa – see https://weeds.brisbane.qld.gov.au/weeds/cobblers-pegs), so we all ended up looking like hedgehogs (or perhaps echidnas). Habitat Brisbane had issued us with copious quantities of hand sanitiser and disinfectant to clean our hand tools, but they were in very similar-looking spray bottles, which caused some confusion among the volunteers, but overall we were all very happy to get back to some practical on-ground bushcare work.
A post from Jim Pope