Starting as a single A4 sheet, the quarterly newsletter is a flagship for our group; it has evolved into an 8 page Newsletter with colour photos. There is now a mix of scientific and general information about our catchment and ways of caring for it. Through it we aim to inform and motivate the community to actively participate in improving the local environment.
The Newsletter is e-mailed to most of our 510 members (as at September 2018) and recipients from the wider community, such as groups, schools, libraries and people with environmental interests.
Since 1997 there has been a wide variety of articles ranging across the various weeds and advice on control methods, descriptions of native plants, planting techniques, general interest articles on local fauna, specific articles on riparian zone conditions and management advice, results from various studies and surveys such as the Platypus survey, articles on quiet achievers, and annual results of our photography competition. Newsletters since 2000 can be seen at The Cottage, and issues since 2005 have been placed on the MCCG website with an index provided.