Our recent Moggill Creek Catchment Group (MCCG) ‘Huntington/Tuckett’ bushcare group working bee was a great success, with a total of 36 volunteers participating in tree planting on an area of parkland behind Brompton Place in Brookfield. The riparian zone of Moggill Creek between the Branton Street footbridge and Tuckett Street park is dominated by exotic Chinese elms (Celtis sinensis) weed trees, which create such dense shading that they suppress the growth of native species. This part of Moggill Creek is important because it is platypus habitat. With the assistance of Brisbane City Council (Habitat Brisbane) our bushcare group has been gradually removing some of the larger Chinese elms and replacing them with native vegetation. On this occasion we planted almost 200 native trees and shrubs. We were assisted in the work by members the local Baha’i youth group, as well as our normal hardy bunch of dedicated volunteers. The kids all seemed to have a lot of fun, while learning about how to plant trees and care for the parkland. When the work was completed, we all enjoyed a delicious morning tea that included some home-made vegetable soup prepared by one of our regular volunteers.
The Huntington/Tuckett bushcare group (as well as others throughout the catchment) arealways seeking new volunteers across all generations and skill levels. Much of the work involves keeping our plantings free from exotic weeds that otherwise would smother the native trees and shrubs if not kept at bay while the native plants establish themselves. The group meets once a month on a Sunday morning for working bees between 8.30am to 11.00am. Working bee sites can range from the Branton Street bridge upstream all the way to Rafting Ground Road. No previous experience is necessary. We provide hand tools and work gloves etc. and always finish up with a refreshing morning tea and an opportunity to socialise, meet new people and catch up with old friends. For more details on the Moggill Creek Catchment Group or our other working bees across the catchment visit us at moggillcreek.org.au, moggillcreek.org.au/working_bee_calendar/, or contact[email protected].
Jim Pope