The annual MCCG Platypus Survey is Sunday 8th September starting 4:30AM – 9AM. Set your alarm for this one!
Registrations essential. Use this link for registration and additional information
Will you spot one of the fascinating monotremes in our catchment?
Volunteers also needed …
Three options:
1. General platypus spotting – see details above.
2. Team leaders – 2 required please. This is an essential role to supporting the platypus survey leader with assisting allocated teams to locate their sites. This requires an hour of your time prior to the survey day to view the sites with the platypus survey leader, and then leading teams to those sites on the morning of the survey. You may also wish to have a site allocated for spotting platypus yourself as well. Please ensure you are registered for the survey, as per the link above AND also email [email protected] to volunteer as a team leader.
3. Catering helpers 2-3 people Approx. 3 hours volunteer time on the morning of the survey and buying breakfast items the day before the event.
We are looking for volunteers to help organise breakfast for the MCCG platypus survey. It is a continental style breakfast with pre-purchase of items the previous day and setup of food outside the Cottage, Gold Creek Reservoir on the morning of the survey. Breakfast will be served from 7:30am for volunteers. Support will be provided re recommended items etc.

Platypus having a scratch. Platypus vary in colour but most have lighter colour underneath. Photo: Ed Frazer
Photo: Ed Frazer