Recently MCCG obtained funding from the State Government under the Queensland Citizen Science Grants for a program to re-activate our Creek Health Monitoring Program (CHMP), with a particular emphasis on community involvement. The project is led by Adrian Webb and Lewis Peach and aims to survey at least 6 primary sites in the Moggill Creek catchment, (including Moggill, Gold and Savages Creeks) over a period of 3 years. Surveys will be carried out twice a year at each site and will comprise four elements: 1. Water Quality Monitoring, 2. Fish and 3. Macro-invertebrate Surveys and 4. Assessment of structure and composition of the creek bed, bank and riparian zone at each site (including invasive weeds).
The first major event of the program was a Fish Survey Training session on Sunday 15th November, led by Leo Lee from ‘Save Our Waterways Now’ (SOWN), who is an expert on native fish in the greater Brisbane area. The training was held in Gold Creek just inside the Gold Creek Dam site and was attended by 18 enthusiastic volunteers. It was a very hot day, so all of us were happy to get into the creek, although care was taken to disturb the water and the creek bed as little as possible. We learned how to catch fish, both with box net fish traps and with dip nets and to identify some of the more common species, both native and introduced. (All native fish caught were returned to the creek). The event was somewhat hampered by the fact that there was no electrical power to The Cottage due to a fallen tree, which meant that we had no refrigeration, but fortunately Leo had brought a petrol generator, so he was able to conclude the training by showing us some very interesting video clips to reinforce the practical training. Leo is a mine of information and anecdotes about the fish of Moggill and surrounding creeks, so an interesting and entertaining time was had by all, despite the rather oppressive heat.
More information about the Creek Health Monitoring Project
If you would like to become involved in the CHMP, please contact me at: [email protected]
Jim Pope