Please join us for the MCCG AGM 2023
Tuesday 28th November
Brookfield Showgrounds
6.30 for 7pm (9pm finish)
Refreshments provided

Guest Speaker: Helen Schwencke, of Earthling Enterprises
Talk title: Fireflies of South-east Queensland – their distribution, lifecycles and habitat. A topic that can be answered by Citizen Scientists.
Helen is an experienced ecologist and naturalist, and is very interested in insect life cycles, particularly butterflies and other invertebrates, and the roles they play in ecosystems. Recently she has turned her attention to fireflies. She is working with Dr Lesley Ballantyne, Oceania’s taxonomic expert for these beetles, through establishing the Fireflies of Australia Facebook group, to increase our understanding of these species. She is a science communicator and is a frequent public speaker, also offering a range of resources via the Earthling Enterprises website:
Fireflies are locally popular along Moggill Creek, and although seen only briefly in September, this is a great opportunity for MCCG to learn more about them, and hopefully get some people surveying and doing some simple citizen science about them and their habitats within the catchment.