Another remarkable MCCG achievement !!!
Last Sunday 18 volunteers from Jim Pope’s Section 3 Tuckett St Park bushcare group successfully planted around 380 native trees and shrubs in an area hat was previously dominated by Chinese Elms. Well done team!!!
Much of the area had been prepared by spraying with herbicide and mulch, and our Habitat Brisbane officer, Paul Devine had arranged for many holes to be pre-dug. Thank you Paul!)
A hearty thanks to everyone who pitched in, especially to Janine and Fiona for supplying the morning tea and Peter for providing the drinks!
Jim has promised to try to improve on the timing of the follow-up rain for the next working bee on Sunday 24 February. The rain was excellent for watering in the new plantings but it did rather literally put a dampener on their morning tea!
Here are some photos from the day: