All on a Sunday morning! Can you help?
Our Chairman Jim Pope reports that his bushcare group (Huntington Section 3) will be planting 300 native tress and shrubs in Tuckett St park on Sunday 3 February.
Note: this is the January working bee, which has been postponed. Here is Jim’s message:
Our first working bee of 2019 would normally be the last Sunday in January, but I have another commitment on that date and it also corresponds with the Australia Day long weekend, so many of you may be away.
Consequently our first working bee of the year will be on Sunday 3rd February. Please make a note of this in your diaries!
Weather permitting we hope to do a big planting – in the area of Tuckett Park that was recently opened up by removal of a number of large Chinese Elms.
We will need as many as possible to attend since we are hoping to plant over 300 native trees and shrubs on the day!
The working bee runs from 8.30am until 11am.
If you’d like to take part please contact Jim on 3374 4181.