Have you ever thought about volunteering but weren’t sure when, how or what to expect!? Try MICRO-VOLUNTEERING!
It’s the perfect sample-size chunks to test the waters and suit our busy lifestyles. A little adds a lot!
Did you know that MCCG relies 100% on volunteer effort. Last year MCCG volunteers contributed over 7000+ hours and we’d love to have your support to our growing community.
Not only is it great for the creek and the local environment it’s also a great sense of achievement, social engagement, citizen science and of course our mental health. Research has found that volunteers and members of volunteer groups feel a strong sense of support and inclusion in their community.
Opportunities exist for ALL skills, interests and ages. Event planning and coordination, community engagement, bushcare, seed collection and propagation, AV and equipment setup, social media management and content, newsletter article contributions, photography, platypus surveying, water quality monitoring, governance, membership management, IT support, general admin, finance management, grant writing, project management, statistics, graphic design, website maintenance and more… we do it all, with volunteers JUST LIKE YOU!
A BIG thank you to our existing 150+ volunteers!!
To find out more contact us today! Email [email protected]